Saturday, March 10, 2018

Movies for April 2018:
Easy Rider and The Sheltering Sky

Joe is hosting in April and the movies to see are:

Easy Rider (1969)

Two counterculture bikers travel from Los Angeles to New Orleans in search of America.

Director: Dennis Hopper
Writers: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Terry Southern
Stars: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson

The Sheltering Sky (1990)

The American artist couple Port and Kit Moresby travel aimlessly through Africa, searching for new experiences that could give sense to their relationship. But the flight to distant regions only leads both deeper into despair.

Director: Bernardo Bertolucci
Writers: Paul Bowles (book), Mark Peploe and Bernardo Bertolucci (screenplay) 
Stars: Debra Winger, John Malkovich, Campbell Scott

Extra Credit: "Morocco (Tangier)" Episode of Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown on Netflix

Season 1 | Episode 5

What Burroughs called "Interzone", where artists like Burroughs, Bowles, Rimbaud, Verlaine, the Rolling Stones sought escape from Western moral prohibitions and the possibilities of great empty spaces.

Directors: Jared Andrukanis, Nick Brigden
Writer: Anthony Bourdain
Stars: Anthony Bourdain, Bachir Attar, George Bajalia 

Scores for March 2018 Films

Films of Merit